Seminole Science also offers acceleration opportunities for Math courses. Eligible students are given Pre-Algebra, an 8th grade class, in 6th grade. Many students are able to attend math classes that are at least one grade above their level. High school courses Algebra I Honors and Geometry Honors offered to students that have met the prerequisites in 2017-18 school year and beyond.
Free math tutoring by math teachers are available for all students with emphasis on those that are struggling with their grade level standards. SSCS also offers a Competition Math elective course and after school studies for students who need an extra challenge in Math.
Science: Seminole Science offers Comprehensive Science classes and adopted Integrated iScience from Glencoe/McGraw Hill as the main text book. Students will learn about Earth Science, Life Science and Physical Science every year. Seminole Science also offers a Biology Honors course to qualified 8th grade students. Every student is required to participate in the school’s Science Fair. Project and inquiry based learning, hands on activities, weekly experimental projects and Science Olympiad are also incorporated to science classes.
Free science tutoring by our science teachers is available for all students. SSCS also offers a Science Olympiad elective and after school studies for students who enjoy and are akin to Science.
Language Arts: Collections 2015 Florida Edition by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt adopted as the main text for our Language Arts classes. As all other curricula that are used by SSCS, the Collections series are aligned with Florida Standards. A mandatory Reading class is given to students that are struggling with their grade level standards. Free Language arts tutoring by our teachers are also available for all students.
Social Studies: Students start with World History in 6th grade, Civics in 7th grade and US History in 8th grade. World History, Civics in Practice and American History by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt are the text books for these courses. SSCS also plans to offer a Model United Nations elective and after school practices. Model UN is a great program that raises world awareness, as well as writing and debating skills.
Connection Classes: SSCS offers Physical Education throughout the entire year. We also will have one semester of Art and one semester of Music. SSCS plans to add Foreign Language (Spanish/Turkish) and Computer/STEM classes in the subsequent years.
Electives: In addition to Academic Electives (Competition Math, Advanced Math, Science Olympiad- Life Science, Science Olympiad- Earth Science and Model UN), SSCS offers a team sports class (Basketball), Band, First Lego League (FLL) and Project Lead The Way (PLTW).